New Bakery and Deli 13-week count down
At just over 3 months from the date we hope to open our doors to the brand new café/deli/bakery, we are looking at a proper flour slab and the first signs of a new solid wall following the under-pinning. Very encouraging – and the delightful guys from Balfour Beatty are just as happy to stop and smile for camera as they are building our new home!
What at first sounded like bad news is turning out to be rather fortunate for us, as our reconstructed building will have insulated walls and double glazed windows. And above those lovely old windows will be the box holding the original awnings which we love and which will form a nice canopy for our outdoor seating…we hope for a long, mild autumn
New Bakery and Deli 12 weeks
July 22, 2015
New Bakery and Deli 15-week countdown
July 1, 2015
New Bakery and Deli 16-week countdown
June 26, 2015
Our bakery and deli is coming – 18 week count down!
June 10, 2015