New bakery and deli with aircon…17-week countdown
As of this week the wonderful historic head quarters for Rattee & Kett – soon to become our new home – have been fitted with air con of a slightly more drastic nature than we anticipated…it turned out that two of our walls had no foundation, so that meant peeling away existing brick walls, windows and – our most coveted – original boxed-in awnings.
We are not too concerned as they are all about to reappear when the building is re-constructed next week and our original awnings will be returning. Our plans include outdoor seating (South/west facing = evening sun) under the awnings, outside the Deli.
We have left chaos behind for a few days of research in Milan where we may link up with one or two bakeries…
New Bakery and Deli 12 weeks
July 22, 2015
New Bakery and Deli 14-week countdown
July 8, 2015
New Bakery and Deli 15-week countdown
July 1, 2015
New Bakery and Deli 16-week countdown
June 26, 2015