April showers or warm sunshine, what better way to spend one of the Easter Holiday mornings than baking together? Hot Cross Buns and daffodil-yellow Saffron plats gives great insight in baking well with fresh yeast, and results in bags ready for the freezer and Easter.
Within a neat hour we prepare to so called “enriched” doughs and shape all the ingredients of a classic hot cross bun delicious little snails, ie rolled like a Swiss roll, then sliced. Much easer for young bakers and, we think, much more delicious as there is more gooey-ness here! The plats are great fun to shape and result in an impressive looking golden large bread ready for sharing.
We have very limited parking on site and recommend thenearby Lesiure Park multi storey parking.
We are found off Hills Road, down Purbeck Road where you turn left in front of Abbey college.